
Key Findings from the 2018 State of ABM Survey

Recently, #FlipMyFunnel partnered with Heinz Marketing to conduct the 2018 State of ABM Survey. Finally, the results are here. This recent research was initiated in order to better understand how ABM practitioners are using an account-based strategy in B2B businesses, the role technology plays in its execution, the challenges they’re facing and the results they’re experiencing. Participants in the study included sales and marketing professionals from organizations across a range of industries and sizes, from SMB to large enterprise.

Top Priorities for ABM

It’s no surprise that the most critical goal for practitioners is Revenue Generation with 73.5% of the respondents stating this as their top priority. Pipeline Acceleration (62.1%) got second place followed by Lead Generation (52.1%), coming in third.  This finding is consistent with the top goals from 2017 and 2016.  

Challenges with Measuring and Reporting

How to measure and report on the impact of ABM programs is still a top challenge for 41% of the respondents.  These respondents indicated that the market is maturing in their ABM programs by having a greater focus on scaling and optimizing these programs effectively. 


Budget spend on ABM is increasing according to 60% of the respondents.

Again, this may indicate that many in the field are past the initial investment phase and focusing instead on maturing and optimizing their program(s). 

Check out the rest of the survey results to give yourself a better understanding of how the market has changed and how to move your ABM programs forward in 2019.