More than 82 percent of U.S. business executives have called corporate communications and employee engagement a top priority, according to a 2015 TalentKeepers survey. For good reason, too. This strategy directly links to improved company productivity, profitability and also engagement. Employees who feel connected to their workplace are more innovative and productive.
How are corporate communications teams getting the word out about company initiatives? For the most part, this includes social media, company-wide emails and sometimes even postings on the kitchen thumbtack board.
What about email signature marketing? ESM already helps teams distribute Marketing content and drive conversions, and is now used to share internal announcements. Clickable call-to-action banners, located within the employee email signature, dynamically update based on the sender or recipient (internal vs. external email domain). These campaigns can promote open enrollment, company awards or product release notes, while simultaneously promoting external content.
As a result, email signature marketing has become a secret weapon for Marketers and HR professionals. Here are four other ways it can help with corporate communications:
Sales enablement
According to SiriusDecisions, research shows that sales doesn’t even use 60 to 70% of Marketing content. Consequently, this means Marketing’s resources and time are going to waste. If your Sales and Marketing teams can relate to this statistic, making content easier to access (and find) can help turn this around.
By injecting it into the employee email signature, it gives Sales team members a quick and easy way to dig deeper. Use corporate communications to the advantage of your Marketing team. Keep every team member (not just Sales) informed on each new piece of content.
Employee engagement
Create employee advocates with recognition or awards programs. It’s important to celebrate team members that are making progress (and reward them). Include all employees in the voting and make it a friendly competition!
Company mandates
A focus on learning, quality, and teamwork can help large or small organizations succeed. This is driven by the way things get done and how they treat their employees. Company mandates and security protocol require buy-in from all departments and effective communication is key. This usually includes a company-wide email from your IT admin when things like phishing scams happen.
However, that email may or may not be read by all employees. Instead of drafting up an email as fast as possible, launching an internal email signature campaign can help get the word out quickly. Link it to a security best practices doc or more information about the threat, so now your employees are informed and equipped with the right knowledge to protect the well-being of the company.
Company news
Have an event coming up? What about open enrollment or a company-wide fundraiser? Give your employees the heads up on these announcements while keeping the dates top-of-mind with every email sent. When employees are more informed, they’re more likely to take action (and eat pizza).
Make it happen with Dynamic Campaigns
Dynamic Campaigns by Sigstr sends content based on your end-recipient, without any extra work from you. (And without any extra emails hitting the inbox!) It allows you to show internal corporate communications while, at the same time, sending targeted Marketing content to contacts outside of your email domain. Request access to this feature or learn more by watching the video below.