
Marketo Marketing Nation Day One Recap #MKTGNation

Marketo Marketing Nation Day One Recap

Day one of the 2015 Marketo Marketing Nation Summit was nothing short of amazing. We loved it so much that we wanted to bring you a recap of our favorite moments. Check it out and see if your Tweet from the event made our list.

The day kicked off with an awesome keynote featuring Marketo CEO, Phil Fernandez.

Arianna Huffington took the stage to drop many pearls of wisdom on the audience.

John Legend entertained the audience with his brilliant mind and soulful voice.


And then the two met backstage for a quick book signing…

There was no shortage of great sessions. Here are our some of our favorites.




And of course, no Marketo Nation Conference would be complete without an over-the-top glamorous party!

Your turn!

What was your favorite part of the Marketo Marketing Nation Conference? What was the most impactful lesson you learned? We loved the idea of sending personalized gifts to target accounts to elevate your account-based marketing strategy. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.