The latest from the go-to-market experts

Tag: marketing

September 30, 2015

How-to Update Your Gmail Signature in 5 Easy Steps

The email signature is an important reflection of you as an individual or of company you represent. In fact, it’s […]

September 23, 2015

Customer Success: Educating Customers Via Email Signature Marketing

Many thought leaders and business executives in the SaaS industry talk about the “water bucket” as an analogy to business […]

September 9, 2015

3 Ways Email Signatures Create Sales Opportunities

On average, it takes a Sales Development Representative (SDR) 7 touch points to turn a prospect into a qualified sales […]

September 2, 2015

Focus Sales Reps on Revenue-Driving Activities

According to many research reports, the average salesperson spends less than half of their day actually selling. In fact, according […]