Achieve your revenue goals faster.

We’ll help you get to ROI faster, with the ability to launch campaigns faster than our competitors. We’ll become an extension of your team, working together to close revenue gaps and leverage intent signals that will help your GTM move the needle more efficiently than ever before.

Fastest time to ROI

Better targeting, world-class intent data, and the ability to scale and report on campaigns give you the insight into performance you always wished for to boost ROI. Did we mention you will see ROI faster with Terminus than our competitors? We hang our hat on a fast path to value.

Launch your campaigns in less than six weeks

Terminus was built by marketers, for marketers. Whatever your role, we have the tools and team to help you succeed, the data you need to prove it, and we can get you up and running faster than our competitors. We like to say that we built our team for your ROI.

Don’t take our word for it.

Ad Network Integrations
Sales Activation
Real-time intent

Why Terminus?

Reason #1

We’re more than just a platform.

Our customer experience team has years of experience scaling ABM strategies at every stage of crawl, walk, and run.Looking for an assist on fixing or enhancing your CRM data? Ready for hands-on help driving better GTM alignment? Need help creating advertising that inspires engagement? Our team can become an extension of yours.

Reason #2

Reporting has never been easier.

Measure your multi-channel ABM program alongside the rest of your marketing strategy to showcase how your team is directly impacting pipeline and revenue. From board-level dashboards to campaign-specific reporting, Terminus Measurement Studio helps you measure and improve your entire strategy.

Reason #3

Solving revenue gaps as a team

No single team can single-handedly close your revenue gap. But alignment between sales, marketing, customer experience, and operations will. When you combine your go-to-market team with our expertise on moving the needle around the entire revenue flywheel, you’ll find your business optimizing GTM at every stage with precision.

The right intent data at the right time

With so many different types of intent, it’s important not to create too much noise for marketing and sales. While intent keywords show keyword interaction, they don’t take context into consideration. It’s been proven time and time again that keyword intent alone leads to a lower-quality signal, and wasted marketing and sales resources.

Bombora’s topic-based intent, however, ensures that you’re only seeing accounts that are showing meaningful intent signals of the highest quality. It’s the difference between a buyer searching one keyword and a buyer doing meaningful research on relevant websites across a more comprehensive list of topics. Only one of these gives you the full picture.

We’ll bring together first-party data like web engagement along with third-party data from Bombora intent signals so that you’ll know when your key ICP accounts are ready to buy.

How to Sell ABM to Your Boss

Need to figure out how to convince your boss to give ABM a chance? We put together a guide to help get you across the finish line.

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Brand Awareness Build Pipeline Pipeline Acceleration Retention Expansion

Success at Every Stage

  • Brand Awareness
  • Build Pipeline
  • Accelerate Pipeline
  • Retain Customers
  • Expand Customers
Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

“We were initially very focused on awareness campaigns, and as we build out more of that full-funnel approach, the awareness metrics we saw were really impressive. We were able to increase the number of activated accounts (meaning they’ve visited our website in the last 90 days) by 136%, which is way better than we expected. We set a really ambitious goal to get half of our target accounts active on our website and ended up getting 56% of them there.” – Head of Marketing, Array

Build Pipeline

Build Pipeline

“There were enterprise accounts that the team was trying to get in the pipeline for years. After just a few months of launching ABM, we had seven multi-million-dollar accounts in the funnel. When you look at the difference between traditional marketing and account-based marketing, I think the power of ABM speaks for itself.” – Emma Monro, Agency Found & Chosen,

Accelerate Pipeline

Accelerate Pipeline

“With Terminus, we’ve validated a 6x lift in pipeline, a 4x increase of opportunities, and a 33% increase in average deal size.” – Jen Leaver

Retain Customers

Retain Customers

“We finally have a global solution for our customer data that enables us to implement a proactive digital experience for renewal and expansion without worrying about data quality and governance. The result is higher digital revenue growth and an improved NPS.” – Director, Digital CX Team

Expand Customers

Expand Customers

“Autodesk is a large enterprise with 40+ product offerings. The ABM approach allows us to create customized, multi-channel marketing touch points that are targeted to key accounts to help our customers grow their businesses with the right Autodesk products and capabilities. We leverage ABM strategies and practices to closely align with our sales team on achieving major business goals, including breaking into new accounts as well as expansion, upsell, cross sell, and renewals.” – Jessie Wu, Head of Account-Based Marketing, Autodesk

Big Stats, Big Wins

How has Array done after their first year with Terminus targeting 250 accounts?