Ready to optimize your GTM but don’t know where to start?

We’ve got the cheat code you’ve been looking for. Spoiler: it’s not a crystal ball or black box. It’s a real, practical plan to streamline your operations and smash your revenue goals.

Terminus was designed to align sales, marketing and operations with transparent data solutions and modeling that make sense for your business. We’ll get you focused on tactical actions that will align your entire GTM team and create predictable pipeline and real revenue.

Don’t take our word for it.

Sales Activation
Product Direction Positive
Has the product been a good partner in doing business?
Real-time intent

Why Terminus?

Reason #1

Scale up your GTM program inside a single platform

Whether you’re crawling, walking, or running with your GTM strategy, you can create the perfect surround sound experience within Terminus. Give your team greater control of icp modeling and segmentation at every stage of the buyer journey.

Reason #2

Our people, our platform, and our playbooks will give you the support you need to feel confident.

A platform alone won’t get you to your goals. We’ve got a team of experts across implementation, account-based strategy, digital media, and platform execution that will help guide you on your path to value.

Reason #3

High-quality playbooks, not lukewarm strategies.

With Terminus, you’ll be able to turn insight into tactical action across your entire GTM team. And we’ll tie it all back to the numbers that matter most: predictable pipeline and real revenue.

Reason #4

Data doesn’t have to be a dirty word.

We’ll bring your disparate first- and third-party data together into a single, trustworthy source and make your data accurate and actionable.

“I sent an email to one account, that is ABM”. No, no it is not.

A sales rep emailing an account certainly isn’t ABM, but sales and marketing working together to create a personalized, multi-channel journey  is. Unlike focusing on broader demand generation, ABM is a way to keep you from wasting your ad dollars on cold leads by helping you and your team be more proactive and targeting ACTIVE accounts. Wouldn’t you rather spend your dollars and sales team efforts on accounts that match your ICP and show in-market intent signals by creating a personalized narrative? Being account-centric will keep you from wasting your team’s time on cold calls and emails.

Curious to learn more?

But wait, we haven’t even told you about our reporting capabilities…

We’re focused on making insights actionable and providing a clear path towards provable ROI.

Brand Awareness Build Pipeline Pipeline Acceleration Retention Expansion

Playbooks at Every Stage

  • Brand Awareness
  • Build Pipeline
  • Accelerate Pipeline
  • Retain Customers
  • Expand Customers
Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness plays get a lot of attention and often become the default starting point of your ABM efforts. But it’s important to remember that they won’t necessarily help you with short-term revenue issues.

That said, the role it plays is critical, especially when your team has a longer sales cycle. Even at the highest efficiency, they’re not likely to impact within 90 days—so be sure to know that these plays alone won’t solve a full-lifecycle problem. 

Build Pipeline

Build Pipeline

Build Pipeline strategies are designed to impact revenue goals in the next two to three quarters. With these plays, you’re attempting to drive opportunity creation goals with the effort you’re putting in today, getting more aligned to that short-term business impact.

The ideal strategy here is to take your prospect on a journey with their digital touchpoints— from being aware and educated about the problem they have, to understanding the solutions available to solve it while building interest in your unique solution. These plays will allow you to turn the dials and optimize the most effective path to consistent pipeline growth for your organization.

Accelerate Pipeline

Accelerate Pipeline

Pipeline Acceleration is a great place to start with an ABM program because you can see the short-term impact. These plays are designed to influence business outcomes in the current quarter, while you learn quickly. You’ll find what messages are resonating with prospects and what falls flat.

Leveraging this information can be  incredibly powerful in not only optimizing your acceleration campaign, but the earlier stages of the flywheel as well. Understanding—and learning from—the decisions that move the needle can be great to clarity to your pipeline acceleration efforts.

Retain Customers

Retain Customers

Customer retention is critical, particularly for B2B companies with a recurring revenue mode. We know that efforts to retain customers are far more cost effective than acquiring new ones and that loyal customers contribute to your revenue growth through upsells, providing referrals, and advocacy. It’s an important opportunity to understand the challenges that your customers are facing and lean in solutions as you engage.

As customer marketing and ABM teams continue to meld, retention plays work best when marketing, product, sales and customer success have a united front on achieving these types of broader business objectives.

Expand Customers

Expand Customers

The current mandate to address immediate revenue challenges falls in line with expansion efforts. With a captive audience and engaged relationship, you should find yourself with a champion that is invested in your mutual success. Not only will this help you close and win expansion deals faster and add to an already profitable relationship.

Knowing your ICP matters

Terminus will help your GTM team make your top accounts your top priority.

“I knew from the beginning that we wanted to do ABM, and I knew that it’s really important to fully understand your ICP. I had to grow in my understanding of our ICP and what they responded to. For example, I learned that our prospects are more likely to engage with some of our content depending on where they are.We went from no segmentation to getting pretty specific with our ICP, and awareness campaigns were really important. ABM was the answer.” – Ryan Gunn, Head of Marketing

The Future of B2B Advertising

Hear from our Customer Rockstars.

Dig a little deeper

Spilling the Tea on Intent Data

Brand Awareness Campaign Ideas

Blueprint to Account-Based Marketing