
The People Have Spoken: Here Are the 2018 #FlipMyFunnel Ten Minute Teardown Sessions

The people have spoken. We received a total of 24 submissions and 913 votes for the Ten Minute Teardowns at the 2018 #FlipMyFunnel Conference.

We were blown away with the response and are pleased to announce the final selections. Before we do, we want to thank everyone who submitted. The production quality of these video submissions was truly amazing, and you worked super hard to promote your ideas.

There was a ton of creativity in the ways you presented your ideas. That was not lost on us, and all of them were worthy of getting on stage. To everyone who submitted, we want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

And the most exciting part about this part of the conference is that there is something for every role and every size organization. It doesn’t matter if you are a marketer or seller or if you come from an SMB or enterprise company. Industry doesn’t matter either. Attendees from SaaS, hardware, agencies and professional services industries will find a session in this hour that speaks to your specific challenges and pain points.

The Ten Minute Teardown Experience

These sessions will all take place over the course of an hour. There will be six sessions on the marketing track and six sessions on the sales track. We encourage you to pick the track that most aligns with your role and attend for the full hour. While there will be a ton of value throughout the day, we believe this will be the most impactful hour on the conference agenda.

For our marketing funnel flippers, your track is designed around implementing and reporting on your account-based and B2B programs. Your journey will begin with learning how to build an amazing brand. It will continue on through getting in front the right people and aligning your internal marketing and sales teams.

It will then dive deep into real-world case study examples and finish with measuring and reporting in a way that truly matters to your executive team and internal stakeholders.

For our sales funnel flippers, your track is designed around the idea of engaging the humans inside those target accounts. Your journey will begin with defining your buyer personas (or using the ones that marketing has provided for you) and will flow through personalizing your prospecting and outreach methods.

The track will finish with showing you how to use new engagement methods like video and live chat to humanize the conversation between you and your buyers.

[Tweet “Useful content for both B2B marketing and sales practitioners at #FlipMyFunnel 2018”]

Where This Idea Came From

This idea was largely inspired by our hero and long-time funnel flipper, Kristen Wendel. She presented at the 2017 Revenue Summit, where we partnered with the team at Sales Hacker to co-host a conference in San Francisco.

Kristen was the last presenter before lunch, and we were running behind that day. She only had ten minutes to deliver her content, and she rose to the occasion. It was the most impactful ten minutes of content we have ever seen presented at a conference.

When the time came to map out the agenda for the 2018 #FlipMyFunnel Conference, we saw this as an opportunity to curate truly impactful content that will resonate with you, the B2B marketing and sales practitioner. Thank you, Kristen, for the inspiration! 

[Tweet “Love how @kewendel’s hustle led to an amazing part of the agenda for #FlipMyFunnel 2018”]

A Little About The Selection Process

We put out a call for B2B marketing and sales practitioners to submit their ideas via a 90 second video on flipmyfunnel.org, our community platform. If you’re curious to see all the submissions, you can view them here

Here were the submission guidelines:

  • Align your content to our theme, “Humanizing B2B Marketing and Sales.” This essentially means that our conference content will be focused on bringing the human element back into our marketing and sales processes. Sessions should fit into that overall theme in some way.
  • Absolutely no product pitching. Attendees to the session should be able to implement the ideas presented without the use of your product.
  • Session should include practical examples of how the presenter has executed the ideas you are sharing. No abstract ideas or “state of the industry” pitches allowed.
  • Presenter should be a marketing or sales practitioner who has been in the trenches and can relate to the challenges our audience members face every day.

The votes from you, our funnel flipping community, weighed very heavily into our decision-making process. This is your conference, and we want you to get the most out of your time with us. In this case, that means putting the people you most want to hear from on the agenda.

[Tweet “No product pitches and real-world sessions taught by practitioners at #FlipMyFunnel 2018”]

So without further delay, here are your 2018 #FlipMyFunnel Ten Minute Teardown Speakers and their sessions:

Marketing Track

Understanding Account-Based Marketing Through Real Life Applications presented by Masha Finkelstein, SMB Growth, Devices and Mobility at Google

Going All In On ABM presented by Elle Woulfe, VP of Marketing at PathFactory

Can I Tell You Why BFFs Are the New MQLs? presented by Justin Keller, VP of Marketing at Sigstr

Let’s Get Honest About ABM: An Inside Look at What Works (And Doesn’t!) presented by Katie Bullard, Chief Growth Officer at DiscoverOrg

Rock Your ABM & Sales Partnership presented by Kristen Novak, Strategic Account-Based Marketing Manager at National Instruments

Why Brand Drives Demand presented by Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift

[Tweet “Amazing marketing track lined up for #FlipMyFunnel 2018”]

Sales Track

Turning Your Pitch Into Your REASON presented by Dale Dupree, General Manager at Zeno Office Solutions, a Xerox Company

What Is Campaign Based Prospecting? presented by Ryan O’Hara, VP of Marketing and Growth at LeadIQ

How to Use Buyer Persona Research to Close More Deals presented by Jen Spencer, VP of Sales and Marketing at SmartBug Media

How to Humanize Your Prospecting in an Automated World presented by Morgan Ingram, Director of Sales Evolution and Execution at JBarrows

Humanizing Live Sales Chat in a World of Bots (Because the People in Your Accounts Prefer “Conversation” to “Submission”) presented by Chris Handy, CEO at ClosedWon

Lights…Camera… Action Items for Enhancing Your Marketing and Sales Strategies with Video presented by Jason Price, President and Co-Founder at CoVideo

[Tweet “You can’t miss this sales track at #FlipMyFunnel 2018”]

This lineup is nothing short of incredible. In this hour, you will learn more than you would in a full day at most other conferences. We can pretty much guarantee that. And the best part is that these sessions will be presented by people just like you. They have been in the trenches, and they know what it’s like to be in your shoes. Real-world insights presented with a ton of empathy for the audience. That’s what you’ll get in Ten Minute Teardowns at #FlipMyFunnel.

[Tweet “Real-world insights presented with a ton of empathy is what you can expect at #FlipMyFunnel 2018”]

Now go buy those tickets before the prices go up and we sell out! 🙂

See you in Boston!