Take a deep breath. Feel that fresh air hit your lungs. Feels nice, doesn’t it? Welcome to The Roof.
Let’s start from the beginning–well, at least the genesis of this video series. A couple of weeks ago, we had our monthly virtual marketing team touch-base with our CEO Tim Kopp, and the topic of real talk came up. “I think we’re all tired of hearing people say that our jobs are easy, right? We need more real talk from marketers.” The sentiment was met with lots of enthusiastic nods and virtual applause emojis. Our little corner of 20ish Terminus marketers agreed, and we imagined others would too–we spend too much time trying to share “silver bullets” or “marketing hacks” and we don’t spend nearly enough time sharing our messy stories, weird stumbling blocks, and non-linear successes. We wanted to set the precedent that it’s good–actually, necessary–that marketers stop sugar coating and start sharing some real talk.
Combine the need for real talk with a practical need to stay socially distant during a global pandemic (*sigh*, 2020), and we landed up on the roof of our Indianapolis office, filming our hot takes and messy stories. Thus, The Roof was born.
From here on out, we’ll be taking to The Roof every couple of weeks to share real talk on a variety of topics–from our own personal regrets (“ABM was a bad name…”), to some general hot takes (“Un👏🏾 gate👏🏻 your👏🏽 content!”), to some burning questions we’ve been pondering (“Is SEO still a thing we should care about?”), in hopes that our stories can embolden you to share your own real talk, in your own way. Because at the end of the day, we’re humans marketing to humans, right?
We’ll be dropping new episodes of The Roof on social media first, so follow along on Twitter and LinkedIn, and be the first to see if any of our hot takes get us in trouble.