
The Very Important Part of our VIP Club!

Last week we hosted the #FlipMyFunnel Virtual Summit, a 24-hour event in which we shared videos of all of the presentations from our account-based marketing (ABM) Roadshow in San Francisco. While you may have caught the sessions, I’m pretty sure you missed an important part of FlipMyFunnel… our Slack Community!

Slack has been an integral part of the rise of FlipMyFunnel. If you haven’t heard, Slack is a communication platform allowing people to chat, share documents, and build relationships in real time. In our community we offer weekly giveaways, post questions of the day, and discuss account-based marketing strategies. The best part about Slack is the networking possibilities, with our community stretching over 5 countries!

One of the great examples of this reach is the ability to host an #AskMeAnything (AMA), like we did during the Virtual Summit. During this time, marketing trailblazers answered questions from community members across the globe, all in our Slack Community!

If you aren’t on slack and happened to miss out, we have a special treat for you. Below you can find some of the best moments from our Slack conversations during the Virtual Summit!

We started off with Daniel Gaugler, VP of Marketing at PFL, teaching us the best way to integrate Direct Mail into your existing ABM campaign.

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After that Sangram Vajre, the founder of FlipMyFunnel and CMO at Terminus, came through to answer questions on why lead-based marketing just doesn’t work.

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We finished up with Julia Stead, the Director of Demand Generation at Invoca, sharing how the best way to get started with ABM.

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#AskMeAnything aren’t the only times that we have marketers helping each other. Here Joseph Windover, a VIP club member, did a great job summarizing FlipMyFunnel and ABM.

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If you liked what you saw here there is more where that came from. Click here to sign up for our VIP club. This includes an invitation to our Slack Community, the weekly ABM round-up, and discounts to FlipMyFunnel events.