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Top Tweetable Moments from Marketing Nation Summit: Day 1 Recap

If you’re at home wishing you could be at Marketing Nation Summit, I feel you. Or maybe you missed out on a few sessions because you were stuck at the booth.

No matter the reason, we’ve got you covered. By stalking the hashtag #MKTGnation, we pulled together highlights and summaries of the day and the most important highlights from each one.

That way, it’s almost like you’re there. 🙂


Marketing Nation Summit started the day with none other than the CEO of Marketo – Steve Lucas. Here are the main points from his keynote:

  • Engagement is the theme for the entire conference, and for good reason: our customers want engagement on their terms
  • Customers don’t want to be bombarded or sold to
  • Because of this, volume must be less frequent, but if we do reach out to customers, the engagement has to be extremely high in value
  • The new rules of engagement:
    • 1. Listen – marketers have to start by listening to what their customers want, what they want to see see, and how they want to be engaged.
    • 2. Learn – we have to actually adapt once we listen. Learning means embodying what what they want.
    • 3. Inspire – once we change, we can become the platform that inspires and creates brand advocates.






Engagement Means Building Trust

Greg Wolfe, COO of Marketo, and Carrie Palin, CMO of Box talked about sales and marketing alignment and using that to improve engagement in campaigns. Here were the highlights:

  • Engagement is a team sport – not a singular activity.
  • Take learnings from sales and apply it to marketing campaigns for maximum effect
  • Build trust between sales and marketing by:
    • 1. Meeting regularly
    • 2. Start with sales
    • 3. Use data
  • Get the sales stamp of approval



The Future of Customer Engagement Marketing

#KreweChats joined the conversation by hosting a tweet chat during the first day of the conference. The questions ranged from what email marketing automation best practices were to what features marketers wished they could see in marketing automation platforms.

Generally speaking, quite a few people agreed that:

  • Nurtures usually end too soon
  • Take into account what happens when you nurture people on top of your regular email cadence
  • You can’t just set it and forget it
  • Your email strategy has to go beyond just email – there’s other channels that can support your email efforts
  • Metrics should be related to pipeline acceleration and opportunities. Open and click-rates are really just temperature gauges








Account-Based Marketing is Small-Box Marketing

Joe Chernov led a session dedicated to Account-Based Marketing and covered how to think about ABM, why it’s important, and what it takes to implement:

  • The elements of ABM:
    • Align with Sales
    • Named Accounts
    • Research and Insights
    • Specific Content
  • Get a quick win with Sales through ABM – this will give Sales confidence to keep going
  • Great account-based marketing is infinitely more focused than the traditional broader marketing plays
  • It’s not about scale; it’s about focus and results
  • Spend your time wisely. If some personalization works on some accounts, then awesome. Spend more time on the more important accounts.
  • No singular team wins – it’s about both sales AND marketing



Authenticity and Honesty are at the Core of Engagement

Who would have thought James Corden from #CarpoolKaraoke would be so inspiring and informative on creating engaging content? Here’s the notes:

  • The more personal the connection, the more genuine the response
  • Marketers have an ethical challenge – because we can target so specifically, we have to be authentic
  • People really just want the truth
  • CarpoolKaraoke works so well because it takes someone not usually accessible and puts them in an environment that is familiar to the viewer
  • The most successful content is when we’re honest and true to ourselves




The Consultative Seller Will Win In the End

Jill Rowley, Queen of #SocialSelling, led a session on engaging authentically and through the lens of social selling. Here’s what she had to say:

  • The modern buyer is empowered and overwhelmed – something to be mindful of when approaching our prospects
  • Advocacy – much like trust – is earned
  • Your best sales people aren’t on your payroll – they’re your customers.
  • The modern buyer feels they can find the information they need on their own, cutting out sales
  • The sales people who survive will be the ones who take a consultative approach.
    • AKA we must be helpers, not just parrots
  • The 4 R’s of #SocialSelling are:
    • Research
    • Relevance
    • Relationships
    • Revenue
  • Engage your buyer where they are already
  • Make investments in the buyer first before trying to make deposits



What were some of your favorite tweets?