
Top Tweetable Moments from Marketing Nation Summit: Day 2 Recap

We’re back with a Day 2 Recap of Marketing Nation Summit! The second day of the conference was just as action-packed and filled to the brim with insights, excitement, and celebrity status.

Winning Advocates in the #EngagementEconomy

Chandar Pattabhiram (@chandarp), CMO of Marketo, kicked off Day 2 of Marketing Nation Summit with a remarkably moving presentation on how marketers can win advocates in a market bombarded with engagement. Apparently there wasn’t a dry eye in the room! Here’s a quick review of his key points:

  • You must win the hearts and minds of the market. That’s how you’ll own it.
  • “Reach for the heart and you’ll capture the mind.”
  • Brand should start from the inside out, not the outside in.
    • Happy employees will be your best advocates.
  • Engagement starts with storytelling.
  • Be interesting. Be authentic. Be relevant.
  • Winning the Battle of Engagement:
    • Start with storytelling.
    • Adaptive Engagement.
    • Advocacy.
  • Key metrics in the engagement economy: lifetime value of the customer, and number of brand advocates they’ve created




Making Something Traditionally Un-sexy Very Sexy

Panasonic has completed transformed their organization and the way they go to market, and Stephen Yeo, Marketing Director of Panasonic System Communications Europe, explains exactly how. Given the tradition that things like lightbulbs and endoscopes aren’t really sexy, they found a way to change everyone’s minds:

  • Tell the story – that’s how you’ll win people.
  • Make their customers the center of everything they do – even the stories they tell
    • Panasonic uses real images – including photos of customers using products
  • The customer journey has been paramount to driving success for Panasonic – especially since their journey goes in so many directions
  • Panasonic focuses on aspect of the journey – in this case, it’s lost opportunities.
    • “You never lose a customer; they are just on sabbatical.”
  • Send highly targeted messages to their customers; generated almost 50% of the pipeline. NOT email blasting.
  • Using IOT to collect even more data points and leverage it in predictive messaging – triggers based on how much energy consumed, room temperature alerts, etc.





On Champion Leadership and Customer Centricity in Marketing

Michael Brenner, CEO of MKTGInsiders and probably one of the most recognizable names on social (@BrennerMichael), led a session about leadership, championing great ideas, challenging the bad ideas, becoming more customer-centric, and creating brand advocates.

  • Marketing is expected to deliver revenue: 68% of CEOs expect it of marketing
  • After 40 impressions of a brand, sales start to decline
  • What’s ironic is how ideas come through the pipeline – the CEO will have an idea, the CMO gets on-board, and it’s up to Marketing to fulfill the vision from the top-down.
    • “Behind every bad content idea is an executive who asked for it.”
  • Brenner challenges us to be a Champion Leader – someone who fights for ideas that bridge the gap between a task and an outcome
  • We’re all leaders; we’re all held accountable for results and producing outcomes
  • Instead of ideas coming from the top down, why don’t we champion other people’s ideas?
  • How to push back on ideas:
    • Ask WHY we’re doing it?
    • For WHAT impact?
    • HOW to measure the results?
  • Customer centricity should also be our focus – so FOR WHOM and WHAT VALUE will the customer get from what we’re doing?
    • Define your “what’s in it for them?” customer mission statement: Become the premier destination [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][WHO] are you helping, on [WHAT topic] to help them [HOW].
  • Your employees are the experts.
    • Customer service and sales are the “FAQs”
    • Emails answers customer questions
    • Help the employees tell their stories
  • HR is the new marketing when you really think about it






Fear of Failure Is What Holds Us Back

Queen Latifah (does she even need an intro? People know who she is, right?) graced us with her presence on Day 2 of Marketing Nation Summit – and if I said I wasn’t totally fangirling the entire time, I’d be lying. Queen didn’t give us the secret to a nurture campaign or a flipped funnel, but she did lend us her wisdom on approaching the single most important aspect of marketing – which is connecting to people:

  • Fear is not the problem. It’s accepting the fear that is.
  • Don’t be paralyzed by the fear of failure. Try again.
  • Accept the fear and go for it regardless – don’t be afraid to fail.
  • If you get paralyzed by fear, you won’t do anything.
    • “Where I’ve lacked in knowledge, I’ve felt in instinct.”
  • You have to have core values when success comes – because not all money is good money
  • “Marketing Nation: make sure you stay connected to yourselves; stay open to learning new things.”
  • If you’re a constant student, you never get too big for your britches
  • Focus groups are living among people , being among people. Get in the game a little bit.
  • I try to connect myself to brands that relate to people I know that I can honestly speak about.
  • Don’t think about it as stepping out the box – it’s stepping in to the people already there.




