The latest from the go-to-market experts

Tag: Sigstr

May 23, 2017

How People ACTUALLY Read Your Emails (A Scientifically-Backed Guide)

It’s tempting – after you’ve invested hours upon hours into crafting the “perfect” email marketing message – to imagine your […]

May 18, 2017

Greetings from Las Vegas: 2017 SiriusDecisions Summit Update

After a trip out west last week to MarTech’s San Francisco Conference, the Sigstr team is back at it. This […]

May 11, 2017

2017 MarTech Conference: Must-Attend Sessions and Takeaways

The Sigstr team is in the last leg of what has been a very eventful conference season. This has included […]

May 9, 2017

4 Ways Email Signature Marketing Can Help With Corporate Communications

More than 82 percent of U.S. business executives have called corporate communications and employee engagement a top priority, according to […]

May 5, 2017

[Quiz] Which Guardian Would Run Your Company Email Signatures?

Email professionals can’t hop from planet to planet. They aren’t technologically-enhanced. Nor do they possess nigh-invincibility, augmented super human strength […]

May 2, 2017

The Four Step Guide to Account-Based Marketing

Marketing is hard. Audiences are finicky. Bosses are panicky. And our sales folks are all hungry (for leads). And increasingly, […]

May 1, 2017

Tracking Corporate Email Signature Success in Google Analytics

Marketers are obsessed with numbers. How many views did we see on that blog post? What was the click-through rate with […]

April 26, 2017

Top Trends in Content Marketing and Distribution & How Employee Email Extends Your Reach

Today’s tech-enabled world thrives on content, digested through social, digital and mobile channels. One-time fads have either evolved into mainstays […]

April 20, 2017

13 Punctuation and Grammar Tips To Up Your Email Etiquette Game

Like it or not, you’re being judged. Every day, the people you work with – whether it’s your colleagues, managers, […]