Power your marketing and sales programs with intent data

Intent data is a valuable tool that marketers, sales professionals, and business leaders alike can use to optimize campaign strategies and ultimately drive better results. But what exactly is intent data?

At its core, intent data refers to the digital insights generated by an individual or company’s online behavior that indicate their interest in a particular product or service. By analyzing these insights — which can range from website visits and content downloads to social media engagements and keyword searches — businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their target audience’s needs, preferences, and purchase intentions.

This powerful information not only helps marketing teams identify high-value prospects but also enables them to create more personalized messaging that resonates with their audience’s unique pain points and motivators.

As the demand for this type of intelligence continues to grow, so too does the variety of sources from which intent data can be derived:

First-party intent data is collected directly by the company itself — think website analytics or CRM systems
Third-party intent data comes from external platforms such as B2B publishers or social media networks.

Both types of data can provide valuable insights into customer behavior; however, it is crucial for businesses to carefully assess the quality, accuracy, and relevance of any third-party sources they rely on.

In addition, given the ever-evolving landscape of digital privacy regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), it is very important for organizations that use intent data to prioritize compliance at every stage of the marketing journey.

When harnessed correctly and responsibly, intent data has the potential not only to help companies accelerate sales cycles through targeted campaigns but also foster more meaningful connections with customers. Intent data enables companies to anticipate the needs of customers — sometimes before they even recognize those needs themselves.

What Are The Different Types Of Intent Data?

Intent data allows businesses to understand and predict their customers’ purchasing behavior for the purpose of creating personalized marketing campaigns.

There are two primary categories of buyer intent data. So what are the different types of intent data?

What Is First Party Intent Data?

First party intent data is generated by monitoring the interactions that prospects have with your brand, such as visits to your website, content downloads, or engagement on social media platforms. This invaluable firsthand information provides insight into the specific topics and products your prospects are interested in, which can drive informed decision-making when crafting marketing strategies.

What Is Third Party Intent Data?

Third party intent data is collected by external sources like B2B publishers, research firms, or data providers. These organizations track user behavior across numerous websites and platforms outside of your direct control. This type of intent data provides a broader view of potential customers’ interests, enabling you to identify trends, monitor competitor activity, or discover new market segments for expansion.

By combining both first party and third party intent data, marketers can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of their target audience’s buying preferences. A complete picture of intent data can make it easier to create highly-effective marketing campaigns that engage users at various stages of the buyer’s journey.

What Is Intent Data In B2B?

Intent data in B2B are the signals that reveal prospective customers’ interests and intentions within the business-to-business (B2B) realm.

But what is intent data in B2B used for? By harnessing B2B intent data, savvy marketers can anticipate a potential client’s needs and strategically tailor their offerings, resulting in increased sales and improved customer satisfaction. In essence, intent data allows businesses to engage with potential clients more effectively by understanding their behavior patterns on a deeper level.

With the increasing digitalization of business interactions, tapping into B2B intent data has never been more critical. B2B intent data helps businesses identify prospects who are actively engaging with industry-related content or displaying purchase intent signals. Utilizing tracked online actions such as content downloads or social media engagement, marketers can glean insights into where these prospects are in their purchasing journey and determine the most effective ways to reach them.

By staying ahead of market trends and understanding buyer behaviors at a granular level, businesses can improve lead generation efforts while maximizing return on investment (ROI). Mastering B2B intent data empowers companies to create tailored experiences that foster long-lasting relationships with potential clients while driving sustainable growth and success.

How Do You Collect Intent Data?

Businesses marketers seeking to understand the online behavior of their target audiences frequently ask themselves: “how do you collect intent data?” Understanding how to collect intent data allows companies to tailor their marketing strategies and reach potential customers more effectively.

The best way to access intent data is to find an intent data provider. To collect intent data, intent data providers utilize a variety of techniques, such as tracking web browsing activities, monitoring social media interactions, and analyzing search engine queries. These actions allow them to identify patterns that indicate users’ specific interests and intentions towards certain products or services.

Remember: it’s crucial for businesses to partner only with reliable intent data providers who adhere to strict privacy guidelines and ensure user anonymity.

What Are Intent Data Solutions?

The most successful companies are constantly searching for innovative ways to better understand — and even anticipate — customer needs by asking themselves: “what are intent data solutions we could be using to our advantage?”

Intent data solutions like Terminus’s partnership with Bombora fit the bill perfectly by providing valuable insights into what potential customers are actively researching online. A data-driven approach enables businesses to tailor their marketing efforts more precisely than ever before.

How does Bombora work?

As a leading provider of intent data solutions, Bombora collects vast amounts of B2B web browsing activity from thousands of websites. By analyzing this information using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, Bombora can identify patterns that indicate which businesses are likely in the market to purchase specific products or services. This capability allows marketers to focus on nurturing leads when they’re most engaged in their buyer journey.

What sets Bombora apart from other intent data solution providers?

One key differentiator is Bombora’s unique data co-operative model; members contribute anonymous web traffic data in exchange for access to aggregated insights from the entire network. This collaborative approach helps ensure a diverse range of quality data sources that result in more accurate predictions of buyer intent.

Intent data solutions like Bombora can give your business a competitive edge by harnessing the power of big data to pinpoint potential customers who are actively searching for products like yours. By utilizing these insights, companies can optimize their marketing strategies and resources more effectively than ever before, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and better ROI on marketing spend.

How Is Intent Data Used?

Intent data is a powerful tool in a marketer’s toolbox that can revolutionize the way a business understands and engages with their target audience.

So how is intent data used? In essence, intent data reveals the underlying interests, motivations, and intentions of potential customers — which makes it possible for companies to deliver targeted messages that resonate more closely with their audience’s unique needs.

* First and foremost, organizations can employ intent data for lead scoring. Lead scoring helps marketers to prioritize high-value prospects based on their likelihood of converting. This predictive approach ensures that resources are allocated towards nurturing the most promising leads.
* Additionally, by providing insight into the digital footprints users leave across various platforms (such as social media interactions or content consumption), intent data helps marketers uncover key information about customer preferences and pain points.

Armed with this invaluable information, businesses can craft personalized sales pitches or tailor marketing campaigns that speak directly to their audience’s specific concern. Plus, understanding how to use intent data enables marketers to monitor real-time changes in consumer behavior or market trends, thereby providing an opportunity to fine-tune strategies on-the-fly.

What Is An Example Of Intent Data?

Intent data is a valuable resource for businesses, as it provides insights into the behavior and interests of their target audience. However, intent data can be a difficult concept to fully understand, and you might wonder: “what is an example of intent data?”

One example of intent data in action is when a user searches for “best smartphones 2022.” Based on this data, you can identify their interest in purchasing a new phone. This information can be collected from various sources, including:

  • Search engine queries
  • Social media interactions
  • Content consumption patterns
  • And more

By analyzing this intent data, marketers can tailor their messaging and campaigns to better address the needs and preferences of potential customers.

Another example of utilizing intent data effectively could come from a marketing campaign by a major technology retailer. By examining the search terms used by potential customers on their website — such as “what is an example of intent data?” — a technology company could identify a pattern of users seeking information about specific products or services. Then, the technology retailer could implement targeted advertising strategies that focus on these identified areas of interest.

This approach allows companies like technology retailers to connect with potential buyers at just the right time in their research process, resulting in higher conversion rates and overall sales growth.

Understanding intent data allows businesses to identify key trends and preferences among their target audience. Through careful analysis of this information, marketers have an opportunity to create more personalized and effective campaigns that resonate with consumers on a deeper level — and ultimately boost the organization’s bottom line.