The latest from the go-to-market experts

Tag: Sigstr

July 18, 2016

New Video: Why Sigstr Exists, Explained in 60 Seconds

Employee email signatures – something that is usually viewed as a pain to facilitate rather than an opportunity. Sigstr helps […]

July 15, 2016

2nd Annual TechPoint Tech 25 Class: Congratulations to Dave Duke

TechPoint, an Indianapolis-based group that is dedicated to promoting and accelerating the growth of our local tech community, has released the […]

July 13, 2016

Guns N’ Roses & Sales Closes

Dr. Seuss once wrote, “A person is a person, no matter how small.” At Sigstr, we believe that a win […]

July 12, 2016

Email Is Dead & Overrated. Or Is It?

If you’re a marketer, then surely you’ve heard the statement: “Email is Dead” many times over in the past few […]

July 11, 2016

Is It Time to Revamp Your Distribution Channel Strategy?

“But do we really NEED Sigstr?”  It’s a question asked frequently by prospects. With so many marketing mediums already at […]

July 6, 2016

Employee Advocacy & How It Helps Distribute Your Content

It’s hard work building up a company’s brand. Left to marketing alone, it can take years to grow a brand into […]

July 5, 2016

If Game of Thrones Characters Had Email Signatures

If you’re anything like the Sigstr team, for the last 40 hours you’ve been mourning the end of the best […]

July 1, 2016

16 Digital Marketing Events On Our Radar for the Rest of 2016 and Beyond

Events rock. Conferences are the best place to learn from and rub elbows with the best and brightest marketing thought […]

June 30, 2016

Graduating College & Starting Up at a Start-Up

Well, what can I say? I graduated. It’s over. I did it. I know most of you are saying, “Hey, […]