The latest from the go-to-market experts

Tag: Sigstr

June 28, 2016

15 Digital Marketing Stats We <3

What kind of marketer doesn’t like stats? It’s part of our DNA – we LOVE statistics about marketing in general: […]

June 27, 2016

Is Your Content Under Utilized? The Answer is Probably Yes.

As a marketer, you know just how important content is to your marketing strategy, your goals, and generating revenue for […]

June 22, 2016

A Recap of Today's News: Sigstr to Invest $1.4M and Create Over 100 Jobs in Indianapolis

Sigstr is excited to announce our plan to invest $1.4M in order to create 100 jobs right here in Indianapolis over […]

June 21, 2016

Work Hard, Play Hard – The Sigstr Story

“So what’s it like working for Dan?” I blankly stared at the woman who just asked me that question. The […]

June 20, 2016

Evercontact Infographic: The Anatomy of an Email Signature

Evercontact is a tool that helps you keep your address book up-to-date by automatically analyzing email signatures in your incoming email and […]

June 16, 2016

Zero to Scale Podcast Recap: Planning the Next Product Offering and Launching Key Integrations

We’ve recently enjoyed following along with Zero to Scale’s podcast, which is all about bootstrapping startups to $100k monthly recurring […]

June 15, 2016

Why Every Department in Your Company Needs Great Email Signatures

Email continues to be a mission-critical tool for businesses across the world. While in the past some have predicted the […]

June 14, 2016

Conversion Rate Optimization Secrets From Industry Experts

Our team at Sigstr is always on the lookout for great articles, posts, podcasts and helpful information for digital marketers. […]

June 13, 2016

New Sigstr Features and Functionality

Our mission at Sigstr is to make marketers look amazing. We’re hard at work unlocking the incredible marketing ROI in […]