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Flipping Funnels Weekly: Win and Retain Key Accounts with Account-Based Marketing

Flipping FunelsWeekly (2)

We’re just 2 weeks away from the #FlipMyFunnel Roadshow! To celebrate, we’ve focused on the complete account-based marketing (ABM) journey. We start off with helpful advice from Martech Advisor on how to build an ABM plan. We then move to how ABM’s personalized messages across targeted accounts can help break through the clutter of thousands of digital ads. We wrap it up with Bizible‘s guide on how to avoid misalignment within your organization. Check out these great ABM articles below!

1. 6 Steps Required To Build An Account-Based Marketing Plan

We kick off our weekly round-up with this article from MarTech Advisor navigating us through the process of building an ABM plan. This article gives us six tips to help start the marketing and sales alignment process, which is the key to ABM success.

Flipping Points:

  • Focus on linking actions to goals in order to help marketers make the most use of time and resources
  • Both the sales and marketing teams should be in agreement with the plan of action, then deciding on the tactics and delineating its particular benefits on organizational goals will be easier to figure out

Key Takeaway:

It is important to that everyone understands how marketing goals will support the sales team’s goals.

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2. Win and Retain Key Accounts with Account-Based Marketing

ABM is regarded as one of the best strategies for winning new key accounts, but it’s most important use is often overlooked. In this article, we learn how ABM can help improve your relationship with current customers as well as the ones you hope to gain.

Flipping Points:

  • ABM includes developing a tailor-made marketing plan for each key account including all the decision makers and influencers within this organization.
  • Large strategic customers have become more complex, and corporate buyers can hardly be reached anymore through generic content marketing.

Key Takeaway:

Account-based marketing is a well-orchestrated approach in which marketing, sales and account management closely work together throughout the entire customer journey.

[Tweet “ABM helps simplify the complex #B2B buyers journey #FlipMyFunnel”]

3. What is Account-Based Marketing and is it Right for Your Business?

If you’re one of the thousands of B2B marketers worldwide who are thinking “what is ABM?” this article is perfect for you. FunnelEnvy does a great job at explaining not only what ABM is, but how it can help your business improve it’s marketing efficiency.

Flipping Points:

  • Over exposure is the major inconvenience that faces the modern digital age’s marketers and consumers.
  • Successful campaigns don’t aim to distribute a generic message to masses and masses of people to increase brand reach and visibility. Successful campaigns are those that focus on a key demographic.

Key Takeaway:

Personalization is the foundation of a successful, modern marketing campaign.

[Tweet “Personalization is the foundation of a successful, modern marketing campaign. #FlipMyFunnel”]

4. Why Account-Based Marketing is Critical in 2016

As the digital era continues to grow it becomes increasingly difficult to stand out from everyone else fighting for consumers attention, this is where ABM comes into play. Learn from an experienced B2B Marketer on how ABM is especially important to your marketing mix in 2016.

Flipping Points:

  • At each stage of their journey, you need to match your content and keywords to the buyers expectations.
  • The more critical, expensive or number of people it affects, the larger the committee you need to convince. Your message needs to connect to each individual on the path they are on.

Key Takeaway: 

Plan to provide content and interactions that provide solutions in an easy and digestible format.

[Tweet ” #ABM takes patience, persistence, and regular analysis. #FlipMyFunnel”]

5. To Measure Marketing Impact, You Must First Retire the MQL

This article is a great tool to help your company be as efficient as possible after implementing an ABM plan. Read more to learn how to avoid certain roadblocks that can intefere with your sales & marketing teams working together to reach your companies goals.

Flipping Points:

  • Having a separate indicator for marketing (MQLs) and sales (SQLs) almost guarantees misalignment between the two departments.
  • There should be one funnel with sales and marketing involved in every stage of the process from first touch to closed deal.

Key Takeaway:

Sales and marketing alignment makes it easier to track buyers and communicate with prospects through the entire journey.

[Tweet “ABM helps target the right people, at the right time. #FlipMyFunnel”]

We can’t wait to see you at #FlipMyFunnel in San Francisco. Check out the event page to learn more about our speakers and view the agenda. Join us maybe?

Register today and save your 50% off your ticket with promo code FMFBLOG50



Learn more about ABM and the T.E.A.M. account based marketing framework:

See the full Terminus account based marketing platform.

Check out some account based marketing examples.

Learn more about account based marketing services.

Terminus: an account based marketing software company.